Disagreeing with, but still respecting your Demon quadrant.

Learning to keep your demon quadrant at a distance but still respect the opposing views is huuuuge.

Opposite Temperaments and Temperaments have an innate dis-respect for each other until they actively seek to understand the other and respect them for who and how they are.

Quadrants vs Temperaments


Quadrants are the simplest way to split the different types into 4 groups. You take the main observer and main decider that someone uses and call that their quadrant.

For example, I am an NeTi. So I belong to the NT quadrant.

However, an SiFe would belong to the SF quadrant.

This is useful because it is a simple way to categorize individuals based on very high level patterns that they would engage in. SF's are more likely to be sociable and grounded, enjoying physical activities and stimulus.

NT's are more abstract and imagination focused. They are more likely to enjoy mental sparring and learning about the similarities and differences among things.

The same goes with the other quadrants and hopefully you can see why relationships with members of the opposite quadrant can be more difficult. They simply "speak another language" in their life.


Temperaments are slightly more complicated in that they don't just look at the primary observer and decider that a type uses. They focus more on what connects the types from a motivational and goal based approach. The 4 temperaments are touched on below but if you'd like a much more exhaustive description of them I recommend reading the book they are pulled from (also provided below).

Opposite Quadrants:

  • NT and SF

  • NF and ST

The Problem:

Temperaments are a categorical tool that allows us to abstract away many low level details of a person/type/group of types.

Simply put, their are four temperaments and each has a different main goal and motivation in life.

The book "Neuroscience of Personality" outlines the four group types:

Catalyst Types (NF)

Motivator: Questing for authentic interaction, deep significance, a unique identity, personal and human meaning, and ethics

Stabilizer Types (Si user)

Motivator: Upholding long-standing traditions, duty and obligation, group membership, safety and security, and structure and stability.

Theorist Types (NT)

Motivator: Acquiring knowledge, competence, expertise, self-mastery, progress, concepts, and principles.

Improviser Types (Se user)

Motivator: Adapting to the moment, freedom to act now, making an immediate impact, opportunity, and daily variety.

As you can see with the difference in motivators, individuals belonging to different temperaments want different things out of life and are drawn to different things. This can make it easy to disagree and clash with opposites because we quite literally can't understand their way of living.

The benefits of understanding opposite temperaments are extreme and can be noticed by passively engaging with members of that opposite temperament.

For example, an NT can benefit greatly from listening to and tagging along with an SF for an event or conversation because by simply being around them they will observe and pick up different ways that the SF acts and behaves in an environment that the NT may find difficult to navigate.

By exposing ourselves to members of opposite temperments we can learn from them ways to improve our abilities in areas we may struggle with or need assistance in.

This can happen in both directions for both pairs of opposites.


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