There is a lot of different content out there about function theory and personality frameworks that use it. What am I claiming and what am I not claiming?
An Individual's personality type is defined by which functions they have in which order.
The functions give us insight into what information that individual is most likely to prioritize and understand well.
Functions can be thought of as processes that define areas of aptitude and areas of deficit.
There is quite a lot of variability in interests and general view points that are not solely decided by functions.
Functions do NOT predict specific life choices or opinions/reactions to specific events and/or topics.
Functions do NOT influence Big 5 Traits. Big 5 traits are their own system and produce unique behavior in functions. For example, a Neurotic Si dom looks much different than a non-neurotic Si dom. The point being not all Ne doms are high in openness and not all Si doms are high in conscientiousness.
Functions do NOT determine a persons hobbies or interests. They merely color that hobby or interest. Both an Ni dom and a Te dom can be equally interested in history. What they take away from and pursue in regards to the hobby will be different.