Order of operations for different personality systems

Personality Systems

Cognitive Psychology (Function Theory) - What information do I prioritize and care most about?

Personal Construct Psychology - What truths and principles guide my behavior and actions?

Big 5 (Hexaco) personality traits - What traits does my internal world manifest as?

Communication styles (Confront, Cooperate, Capitulate, Control) - How do I navigate conversations and interactions with others?

Personality Systems Working Together

All of these personality systems help us understand different aspects of ourselves. As a result, they must all communicate with each other in some way shape or form. They also must interact in novel and unpredictable ways which leads to even more complicated behaviors and patterns that form.

Interconnectivity Theory

I am currently attempting to come up with a theory of interconnectivity that illustrates in what order and or to what degree each system influences the others.

This is a very naive version which can be considered a rough draft to be expanded on:

Function Theory --> informs -> Personal Constructs --> determine -> Big 5 thought patterns -> Influence communication styles (T-rex, Lion, etc..)

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