Disclaimers and background information to set the stage.
This is purely theory that is based on anecdotal observations, and it lacks rigorous scientific backing as of right now. A good resource to see the scientific underpinnings of function theory is Dr. Dario Nardi‘s "Neuroscience of Personality". There is also evidence arising which potentially links Function Theory and Cognitive Psychology. Until a clear connection can be drawn between the two I will continue to call it Function Theory.
There are many things to consider when talking about function theory. There are many systems that used Carl Jung's ideas on the 8 functions and 16 personality types as a basis and continued to develop theories from there. Many of these systems make controversial claims and have aspects that can seem outlandish. Some are, some are not. My attempt over the past few years has been to take all the information from all the different systems and compile the useful and more rigorous aspects, and remove all the colorful, less useful or demonstrate-able aspects. As I've been learning I've attempted to create another conglomerate system that incorporates the good features and removes the bad ones as well as incorporates other psychological theories to answer questions function theory alone can not.
Some notable contributing systems are :
The Big 5 (or HEXACO) model
Personal Construct Psychology
Cognitive Theories
As such these are my thoughts and opinions, which are by no means scientific fact, nor do I claim them to be. Wherever I reference scientific material it will be clearly annotated but aside from that it should be assumed that these are my subjective observations and anecdotal experiences. I am not a psychologist or philosopher, but rather I am a hobbiest with a passion for uncovering the truth about how individuals view the world around them and make decisions with their knowledge and experiences.
Side Note: This document is structured as a book and I recommend reading through it in order. That being said you are free to skip around to interesting parts but you do risk missing relevant explanations and clarifications of concepts so be warned!
Last updated