Growth Se in an Ne dom

IDE growth Se example

using ssh commands to access remote servers and files is too much work. Using Se to gather different tangible tools and see which one has the most features / tools that i need to simply my workflow and take the stress off of my Si demon.

  • Problem: Lack of routine and workflow due to underuse of Si structure and planning.

  • Growth Se: GATHER new tools and systems that reduce the amount of organizing and remembering needed to get to work

  • Solution: Utilize those new tools to reduce the workload on Si; Taking the stress off of the weakspot

Tangible Example:

My work requires me to connect to a remote server.

Normally, I would have to open a command prompt (separate app), type this:


Then, for each file I need to work with (can be up to 10 at times) i need to type:

cd where/I/need/to/go/file.whatever
sudo vim file.whatever

And then edit that *individual* file. And then i would either need to make 10 windows to have them all open at once or go back and forth. Typing the above commands every time.


I was able to find a program that lets me store the name of the server

This got rid of the ssh command I had to type whenever I wanted to open a new window to work in

This program also allows me to view all the files at once in as many tabs as I need.

This got rid of the annoying typed commands and weird edittors for each file


Using Se, I was able to find solutions to problems that prevented me from working effectively (or at all if I was not in the mood to deal with all of those steps and repitition)

GATHER provided me with alternate workflows which enabled me to be much more productive than I otherwise would have.


This process of using your growth function will look dramatically different based on the individual.

My growth Se moment being GATHER-ing new tools is a result of:

Have Ne as my hero making GATHER my strongest human need.

N first means I have S last and many of my problems will stem from a lack and neglect of S.

This is evidenced by the fact that the bottleneck for my work routine was the physical preparation and organizing of my workspaces and tools.

Thus, I needed a solution to my physical bottleneck which led me to utilize my Se GATHER to find a better way to do it.
  • I emphasize GATHER so much because your growth function is always the same human need as your hero function.

  • In my case Ne GATHER and Se GATHER. This means that many of my Si hurdles can be solved by the aquistion of new systems, tools, sensations, etc...

  • If you have Organize first, (hero Si or Ni) then your growth function will be the opposite Organize function

    • Ni doms have Si growth and Si doms have Ni growth

    • This means for an Ni dom their neglect of Se can be mitigated by use of their Si. If their problem is Se chaos and stress, then using Si organize can help reduce that chaos and create a known environment that is less stressful

    • This is obviously very broadly speaking but this priniciple can be applied to specific issues that arrise for the hero Si or Ni.

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